This is part one of a six-part series on the subject, 'Beholding the Glory of Jesus'.
Jesus once said to Mary, the sister of Lazarus whom He raised from the dead, "If you believe , you will see the glory of God." For a person who believes in Jesus for salvation, it is not only important to know the glory of Jesus but also to behold His glory everyday. Those who beheld His glory in the midst of suffering and trials were able to say that the present suffering for the name of Christ is nothing compared to the eternal weight of glory that will be revealed in those who believe in Jesus.
When Jesus was on the earth, many saw His miracles and heard His message. But how many believed Him? How many believed Him as the Messiah? How many believed Him as the Son of God? How many believed that Jesus was God in human form? Today, many hear the gospel of Jesus, but how many want to believe in Him for salvation. What made the first disciples and the apostles of Jesus to believe in Him and give up everything to follow Him? What did they see in Jesus, that others couldn't see? The answer is simple: they were able to see and behold the glory of Jesus in every mighty work that He did, in every word that He spoke, in every act of love, humility, compassion, kindness, and goodness that He exhibited, in every form of suffering that He endured, in His death on the cross, and in the power of His resurrection. Are we able to see what they saw in Jesus?
Some said, He was a carpenter, some said He was a prophet, some said He was a good teacher, but those who saw His glory, said He is the Son of God. He is the lamb of God who came down from Heaven to save people from their sins and to give them a hope of eternal life. He is the express image of God in whom all the fullness of God dwells in bodily form. They called him Immanuel (God with us) who came to save them from their sins.
In Psalm 19:1, David says, "The heavens declare the glory of God." When David looks up to heaven, he is able to see the glory of God and the God's handiwork in the creation of the sun, the moon, and the stars. When we look at the heavens, are we able to see the glory of God?
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25: 2 - NKJV). Let us search out the matter about beholding the glory of God on the face of Jesus.